Simple LLM management

Promptmux is a unified LLM-ops platform for managing inference configurations and prompts in production. We support multiple inference providers including OpenAI, co:here, and HuggingFace, and we provide a unified interface for managing prompts, models, and configurations in production.

Simple LLM management

Manage, experiment, track

A simple API to manage, version, and experiment with the prompts and configurations that power your LLM-based applications.

Manage multiple inference configurations and prompts across multiple tasks with a simple, uniform API.
Multiple providers
Use a range of commercial inference providers including OpenAI, co:here, and HuggingFace.
Keep track of how your configurations and prompts evolve over time. Update a task's default settings with a single click.
Create and conduct A/B tests to find optimal configurations and prompts for your use case.
Serve different prompts and inference configurations to different groups of users.
Download and analyze the responses, access patterns, API performance, and more.